
SEBA HSLC Class 10 Computer Science Solutions

It is needless to say that HSLC or Class 10 is one of the most important turning points in a student’s academic life. The scores obtained by them could largely contribute to deciding the course of their future career. Getting good marks in their exams is beneficial for them. Marks obtained by an individual in class 10 are the deciding factors for selecting the school desired by them to pursue their higher secondary education. The syllabus followed by SEBA (Board of Secondary Education, Assam) plays a vital role in preparing the student for their further education as it gently grazes through all essential topics that may become relevant in the student’s future career of interest.

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Ujudebug has provided solutions for the HSLC Computer Science subject in a way that the student finds it very easy to understand the concept behind each and every topic. It can be found comfortable as well as informative for any reader, and HSLC, Class 10 students may find it very interesting. Moreover, it can help in building a strong base for their higher education as well.

Here, we have provided the solutions for all questions in each chapter including the Application-Based questions. The contents are arranged as per the latest syllabus provided for Class 10 HSLC by SEBA. It is advisable for the HSLC Class 10 – SEBA students to go through the solutions thoroughly for better understanding.



The first chapter discusses the history of the internet, how it works and how to log on to the Internet. It also explains the terms HTTP, HTML, URL, web addresses and network classes thoroughly to the students. In this chapter, you will get to learn about the basics of internet. What internet is? The uses of internet. How the internet functions? The features of internet, and you’ll also get to learn about some common coding language like HTML, how to create web pages using it, how a website works and also about its client and server scripting languages.

  • Chapter 2: Internet Services

  • This chapter introduces the basic internet services such as E-mail, Chat, Video Conferencing or Video Teleconferencing (VTC), Blog, Newsgroups, E-Sites,  Social Networking and Cloud Computing. Further, it also discusses File Transfer and Network Terminal protocols. In this chapter, you’ll get to know about the features and applications of internet like e-mail, news, chat, video conference or video teleconference, blog, social networking sites, cloud computing, Telnet and also about File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Network Terminal Protocol (NTP).
  • Chapter 3: Inserting Images and Creating Tables in HTML5

  • The HSLC and Class 10 students will get to know about how to insert images and create tables in this chapter. It discusses the various attributes and properties of <img> and <table> tags and how to use them in a HTML document. In this chapter, you’ll get to learn how to insert images and to create tables in HTML5 through various attributes and formatting tags like <div> division tag, <img> image element, <p> paragraph tag, <!> comments tag , <table> basic table tag, and will also get to know about using the empty-cells property.
  • Chapter 4: Links and Frames in HTML

  • The students can learn how to insert links and frames in this chapter. The Anchor<a> tag, <iframe> tag and its various properties and attributes are explained in this chapter. Further, it also introduces how to add multimedia objects, like audio and video, in a web page. The <embed> tag is also discussed here. In this chapter, you’ll get to know about HTML <embed> Tag , Html links and its syntax, target attributes, how to use an image as a link, how to link colors and also about HTML Iframes. This particular chapter will further provide you information about what does the term URL stand for and also about HTML multimedia formats that include of – images, music, sound, videos, records, films, animations, and more in a web page.
  • Chapter 5: XML

  • This chapter is an introduction to XML. Firstly it differentiates between XML and HTML for better understanding. It then explains the various XML elements, XML parser, the well-formed structure of an XML document, XML tree, declaring child elements and attribute list and entity. In this chapter, you’ll get to know what  XML is, about the difference between XML and HTML, XML as extensible  and also about XML Parser. You will further get to know about DTD and entity and about its two variants.
  • Chapter 6: Introduction to JavaScript

  • JavaScript is a programming language commonly used in web development. It was originally developed by Netscape as a means to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. This chapter introduces the basics of JavaScript to students. The use of comments, operators, semicolon are explained in this chapter. Further, it discusses the steps to use a prompt dialog box, simple and compound statements, if statement, and switch statements respectively. In this chapter, you’ll get to know what JavaScript is, about the three types of JavaScript, how to declare variables in JavaScript, the different forms of its statement and also about the three logical operators.
  • Chapter 7: Looping in JavaScript

  • A loop is a sequence of instructions that may be repeatedly executed. This chapter is all about the three loops – while, do….while and for. It explains the use of all these three loops and how to use it in JavaScript. It also discusses break statement and continue statement later in the chapter. In this chapter, you’ll get to know what a loop is, what infinite loop is, about the three kinds of loops, about the statements comprising of loop, and also about the two entry-controlled loop in JavaScript. Furthermore, you’ll also get to know the difference between while, do…while, and for loops in terms of their syntax and also the difference between break statement and continue statement.
  • Chapter 12: MySQL

  • My SQL is a popular Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) software. Students get to learn about SQL commands, installing and going through the MySQL application, creating databases, My SQL data types, creating tables and inserting data in it. The students can move a step further to learn different statements and functions used in MySQL too. It also explains the use of Group By Clause and Having Clause respectively. In this chapter, you’ll get to learn what MySQL is, about the database table, what constraint is and also about the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR data types.
  • Chapter 13: Societal Impact of Information Technology

The primary aim of this chapter is to make the students aware of viruses, spyware, malware, spam and cybercrimes. Students get to learn about Backup and its necessary. It differentiates between a Hacker and a Cracker and thoroughly explains how they can harm a student’s computer or the data in it. Further, it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce, IT and ICT respectively. In this chapter, you’ll get to know about the difference between a virus and a worm, about the difference between hackers and crackers, the difference between https:// and http:// and also advantages of online backup. Here, you’ll also learn about what digital certificates and what digital divide are, about the uses of antivirus software and spam and even about cybercrime.


Thus, from the very 1st chapter up to the 13th, i.e. from getting to know about the world of the internet and the services provided by the internet, up to gathering knowledge about the various kinds of viruses, software, malware, spyware, etc., all have been incorporated amidst the above-mentioned chapters, only for your benefit and easy understanding.

How to access the blogs?

  • There are a total of 9 Articles/posts on our website, consisting of the above-mentioned chapters each, that you can directly open and read by visiting the official website of “”.
  • Then click on/select the option called “Blog”.
  • Click on the Educational category.
  • Next, click on the desired chapter/blogpost ( that you want to open and read) and you’ll get access to read the entire content provided there.

Other than that, if you do not want to take the burden to scroll through the various posts in a random manner, you can go to the official website of “”, click on “Blog” and there you can click on the blog titled “SEBA HSLC Class 10 Computer Science Solutions”. Through this particular post, you’ll get a basic and brief glimpse of the contents provided in the chapters and also, easier, serial, and collective access to all the links of the provided chapters on Computer Science Solutions.

About the segments into which the chapters have been divided further –

Just like how we get it in our day-to-day academic textbooks. Ujudebug has provided and followed the easiest way for the Class 10 HSLC Candidates of SEBA to go through the solutions and to understand the content better. The procedure followed by Ujudebug will surely help you all to grasp the information in your mind in a more “easy to remember” way.

All the chapters consist of 3 primary segments, that include of –

    • Objective Type Questions

      1. Fill in the blanks
      2. True and False
      3. Choose the correct option
    • Descriptive Type Questions

      1. Short Answer Questions
      2. Long Answer Questions
    • Application-based Questions


* The Application Based Questions will be of great help in order to test your own abilities of applying the knowledge and concepts learnt ( by determining, analyzing, establishing, predicting and solving ) in practical work situations.

How to access the chapters ?

After clicking on the desired chapter that you wish to read, you will notice that at the very top of every individual chapter, a list of links (contents) have been provided to you. This list consist of the links that further divides the chapter into the three segments, i.e. the above mentioned three segments of questions –

Objective Type of Questions, Descriptive Type of Questions and Application Based Questions.

So, instead of scrolling through and through all the contents, separately, you can just give a simple click/tap on the Links provided at the very top of the page, that shall at once direct you to your desired segment and its contents, making it easier to use and also by helping you to avoid unnecessary time consumption.

*The same procedure has to be applied for getting access of all the remaining chapters/blogs too.

Free DOWNLOAD SEBA HSLC Previous Year Question Papers Here

To conclude, we want to assure you that the computer solutions provided by our team at UJUDEBUG, will for sure enhance your basic knowledge regarding the world of computer science. This will further add to your skills and develop your computer-loving minds. The blogs provided by our team are not only going to be beneficial for HSLC Class 10 students who are seeking help regarding assignments or class projects or just to enhance their preexisting knowledge but they can also be enjoyed and read by adult individuals too, who have a keen interest towards the field of computer and can surely find something new and interesting in the content of the given chapters.

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