Movietonne- Steam Assamese Movies - Digital Marketing, Ujudebug

Social Media Marketing
In this day and age, if you want to be successful in any business, Social Media Marketing is really important. Our goal for this was to increase brand awareness and drive more traffic to the website. For this, we first decided who we want as our social media audience. There is little point having social media followers who can’t help us towards meeting your goals. We found their social media followers who were interested in watching Assamese movies. After our target audience is decided we paid Facebook to show them our ads. This helped us bring in more traffic and generate more followers. Almost all the followers on our Facebook page ended up watching more than one movie on Movietonne’s website. Along with this we also created influencer videos and posted them on our official YouTube channel. This YouTube channel managed to have hundreds of subscribers with great response to the comments on each video.
SEO and optimisation
Movietonne was one of a kind website where people can buy and stream Assamese movies. For this campaign to be successful, we wrote SEO-optimized articles to give the algorithm more context so that we would show up on organic search results as well. This campaign was so successful that we were covered by The Indian Express.

Keyword research is the first step of any successful SEO campaign. We decided on a few keywords which best describes the agency as a whole which was consulted with the owners first. Here the keywords were ‘watch Assamese movies online’ etc. Through the paid search campaigns on Google AdWord, as well as optimising our client's website, we ensured that would appear as the top ad result of every relevant search query in NorthEast, India.