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a. The first page of a website is called the …………………
ans: home page
b. Areas with Wi-Fi service are called …………………
ans: hotspots
c. The ………………… part of TCP/IP is responsible for breaking up data into smaller pieces at the source computer
ans: TCP
d. ………………… are the programs that help users navigate the WWW
ans: Web Browsers
e. ………………… part of http://www.mywebpage.org represents the service provider.
ans: HTTP
f. ………………… is a collection of related web pages, images, and videos hosted on a web server.
ans: Website
g. The ………………… is a series of servers interconnected through hypertext.
ans: World Wide Web
h. ………………… is a collection of related web pages, images, and videos hosted on a web server.
ans: HTTP
i. A web page is a special type of file written in …………………
ans: HTML
j. The ………………… is a global network of networks.
ans: internet
a. The Internet is an interconnection between several computers of the same kind.
ans: False
b. The first network, called the ARPANET, was started in England.
ans: False
c. Protocols are a set of rules that computers use to communicate logically
ans: True
d. All the computers have direct connections to the Internet.
ans: False
e. Routers help connect to the Internet through telephone lines.
ans: False
f. Each computer on the Internet has an address called IP address.
ans: True
g. At the destination, TCP reassembles the packets into a complete message.
ans: True
h. You can also connect to the Internet through the same cable system that you use for watching cable television.
ans: False
i. Web pages on a site are linked together through hyperlinks.
ans: True
j. A website can contain four web pages at the most.
ans: False
a. Which of the following is not a web browser?
i. Mozilla Firefox
ii. Google Chrome
iii. Internet Explorer
iv. Microsoft Word
ans: iv.Microsoft Word
b. Each web page has a unique address called
ii. TCP
iii. WWW
iv. none of these
ans: i.URL
c. Which of the following can be present on a web page?
i. Images
ii. Videos
iii. Audio
iv. all of these
ans: iv. all of these
d. Which of the following is not an ISP in India?
ii. Vodafone
iii. Airtel
iv. TCP/IP
ans: iv. TCP/IP
e. The process of converting a digital signal into an analog signal is called
i. modulation
ii. demodulation
iii. transformation
iv. none of these
ans: i. modulation
f. A ………………. directs Internet traffic by determining the best path that can be taken to transfer data.
i. modem
ii. router
iii. ISP
iv. none of these
ans: ii. router
g. The protocols that are commonly used for working with the Internet are
i. Internet Protocol
ii. Transmission Control Protocol
iii. Both i and ii
iv. None of these
ans: iii. Both i and ii
h. A ………………… helps to connect to the Internet through telephone or cable lines.
i. modem
ii. router
iii. cable
iv. none of these
ans: i. modem
i. When data is passed from one computer system to another, it is broken up into pieces called packets using …………………
ii. IP
iii. ISP
iv. none of these
ans: i.TCP
j. The Internet connection is provided by ……………………
i. an IP
ii. ISP
iii. a TCP
iv. none of these
ans: i. an IP
a. What is the Internet?
ans: The Internet is an interconnection between several computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the world.
b. What do you mean by protocols?
ans: Protocols is a set of rules that computers use to communicate logically.
c. Mention the names of any two ISPs in India.
ans: BSNL and Airtel
d. Give the full form of DSL and ADSL.
ans: DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. On the other hand, ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.
e. Name any two commonly used web browsers.
ans: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are two commonly used web browsers.
f. What do you mean by the home page?
ans: The first web page of a website is called home page.
g. What is HTML used for?
ans: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
h. What is the other name for Letter Addressing System? Give one example of Letter Addressing System.
ans: The other name for Letter Addressing System is Domain Name System (DNS).
One example of Letter Addressing system is assam.gov.in
i. What is the domain extension of the following?
i. Educational institutions
ans: .edu is the domain extension of educational institutions.
ii. Networking organizations
ans: .net is the domain extension of networking organizations.
j. Write a short note on 3G.
ans: The third generation of mobile telecommunications technology (3G) provides a high data transfer speed of at least 200 kbps. It finds applications un video calls, mobile internet access, GPS and fixed internet access.
a. Mention the protocols commonly used for working with the Internet.
ans: The two protocols commonly used for working with the Internet are
(a) Internet Protocol (IP)
(b) Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)
b. Explain the use of channels.
ans: A channel is a medium used to carry information or data from one computer to another. These channels then connect to the Internet via routers and moderns. This way, several pathways from one system to another can be established.
c. Differentiate between a router and a modem.
ans: Routers are devices that direct Internet traffic by determining the best path to be taken, whereas modems help computers and computer networks to connect to the Internet through telephone or cable lines.
d. What is an IP address and what is its use?
ans: Each computer system on the Internet has an Internet address called an IP address. This address is used to exchange information, send or receive e-mail messages, etc.
e. Explain the process of sending data from one computer system to another.
ans: When data is passed from one computer system to another, it is broken up into pieces called packets using TCP. Each packet contains 1500 bytes or characters. IP adds the IP address of the sender and the destination to each packet so that it reaches the correct destination.
The packets are passed from one network to another until they reach their destination. At the destination, TCP reassembles the packets into a complete message. If the packets are garbled, a request s made to the sender to resend them. It is not necessary for all the packets in a single message to take the same route through the Internet or for the same message to take the same route each time it is sent. Thus, one of the technical strengths of the Internet is that if some parts of it are unavailable for communicating data, the data will still be sent through another path.
f. What do you mean by modulation and demodulation?
ans: The process of converting a digital signal into an analog signal is called modulation, and converting an analog signal into a digital signal is called demodulation
g. What do you mean by the World Wide Web?
ans: World Wide Web is an Internet-based network of servers that are interconnected through hypertext. Hypertext is a method of presenting information in which the selection of highlighted text displays more information on a particular topic. These highlighted items, called hyperlinks, allow the users to navigate from one document to another that may be located on the same or a different server. In order to navigate the Internet, one has to use a web browser software.
h. Differentiate between a website and a web page.
ans: A website is a collection of one or many related web pages, images, videos, and other digital assets hosted on a web server. Whereas, a web page is an electronic document written in the computer language HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
i. What is HTTP? Why is it required?
ans: The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a communication protocol used to transfer all kinds of information (text, images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the Web. In addition to the files in HTML as well as other formats that any web server can serve, the server contains an HTTP program that is designed to wait for HTTP requests and handle them as they arrive. Your web browser is an HTTP client, sending requests to server machines. When you enter a file request in the browser program by either opening a Web file (typing in a URL) or clicking on a hypertext link, the browser builds an HTTP request and sends it to an HTTP server on the destination server machine. The server, in turn, receives the request and after performing any necessary processing, returns the requested file to the client (i.e., a web browser) that made the request running on your computer.
j. Explain the two types of Web addressing systems with examples.
ans: The two types of web addressing systems are:
(a) Letter Addressing System and (b) Number Addressing System
(a) Letter Addressing System: The web address of any computer or network can be given using alphabets. This is called the Letter Addressing System. It is popularly known as Domain Name System
1. Arup has purchased a new computer. He wants to have an Internet connection at home.
a. Apart from a computer, what are his other hardware requirements?
ans: a modem
b. Can you suggest the names of any two Internet Service Providers he can approach to get an Internet connection?
ans: BSNL and Airtel
c. Which type of Internet connection should he opt for?
ans: Broadband Services
2. Gorma wants to create a website for her father’s company.
a. Which language should she learn for this purpose?
ans: HTML
b. Which software will she require to view the website?
ans: A web browser (Example: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.)
3. Khelan’s mother has asked him to open his school’s website and tell her about the following:
a. What is the first page of the website called?
ans: the first page of the website is called a homepage
b. How are the web pages of a website connected?
ans: Web pages of a website are connected through hyperlinks
4. In the URL http://www.abccompany.com
a. What does .com suggest?
ans: .com suggests that the URL belongs to a commercial organization
b. Which component identifies the type of protocol?
ans: HTTP component identifies the type of protocol.
5. Monjul wants a mobile connection for his cell phone. Which of the two-2G or 3G-is better, and why?
ans: 3G is better because it transfers relatively higher data speed which is about 200 kbps
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